What is the Color Rendering Index(CRI)?

Have you ever brought home an article of clothing that looked great in the store but unflattering under different lighting at home? Or have you noticed that the same plate of food appears differently colored in different restaurants? 

The reason for this is the color rendering properties of different light sources.

Same things under different light source
Same things under a different light source


Color Rendering Index (CRI) is a crucial element of lighting that we may not pay much attention to, but it has a significant impact on how we perceive colors. CRI plays a crucial role in our selection of lighting devices, such as LED recessed downlights or LED track lights, and can affect how our living or working spaces look and feel.

Definition of the Color Rendering Index (CRI)

Color rendering refers to the ability of a light source to accurately display the natural colors of an object when illuminated. The CRI is a measure of this property, with a higher CRI indicating better color rendering abilities. Additionally, the color temperature of a light source can affect how warm or cool a space feels. In general, higher color temperatures create a cooler atmosphere, while lower color temperatures provide a warmer ambiance.

comparison chart color rendering index chart
comparison chart

Importance and general use of CRI

Understanding CRI is essential for choosing the right lighting for different settings and achieving the desired effect. For instance, a high CRI light source is ideal for displaying the true colors of artwork or clothing, while a lower CRI may result in color deviation. Therefore, paying attention to CRI values can help us appreciate the beauty of colors and select the most suitable lighting for our needs.

Let’s take a look at some common scenarios that everyone has encountered. Which plate of meat skewers in a restaurant looks more delicious? Why does the dress that looked good in the clothing store look ugly at home? As we can observe, the same plate of barbecue and the same dress appear in different colors under different light sources, which is related to the color rendering properties of light sources.

Which one you prefer?
Which one is more delicious
Which one is more beautiful
Which one is more beautiful

Color Rendering and Color Reproduction Comparison

The International Commission on Illumination (CIE) sets the color rendering index of sunlight to 100 and specifies 15 test colors, which are represented by R1-R15. When a light source is compared with the reference light source specified by the CIE, the index value of 100 represents the best color rendering properties.

IndexColor Name
R1Light grayish-red
R2Dark yellowish-gray
R3Saturated yellow-green
R4Medium yellow-green
R5Light blue-green
R6Light blue
R7Light purple-blue
R8Light reddish-purple
R9Saturated red
R10Saturated yellow
R11Saturated green
R12Saturated blue
R13Caucasian skin color
R14Foliage green
R15Asian skin color

The Color Rendering Index (CRI) measures the ability of a light source to accurately represent colors. A light source with a CRI of 100 shows colors most accurately, with 15 colors providing a comprehensive color comparison. These 15 colors are represented by R1-R15 and include light grayish-red, dark yellowish-gray, saturated yellow-green, medium yellow-green, light blue-green, light blue, light purple-blue, light reddish-purple, saturated red, saturated yellow, saturated green, saturated blue, Caucasian skin color, foliage green, and Asian skin color.

color rendering index chart

The Importance of R9 for Color Rendering Index (CRI)

The color rendering index (CRI) measures a light source’s ability to accurately present an object’s natural colors. Among the 15 test colors used to determine a light source’s CRI, R9 is particularly important in evaluating a light source’s ability to display reds accurately.

Why is R9 so Important?

A high R9 value results in a more realistic reproduction of colors for fruits, flowers, and meats, as well as more accurate color reproduction for human skin tones. Therefore, environments that require accurate skin tones and blood color reproduction, such as television studios, photography studios, and hospitals, must have high R9 requirements. For museums and art galleries that require high-fidelity color reproduction for various colors, high standards are required for all 15 test colors (R1-R15).

What are the Consequences of Low R9?

The human eye has three types of cone cells that are sensitive to red, green, and blue light. If a light source is deficient in red light, the color gamut perceived by the human eye will be reduced. Negative R9 values not only result in a lack of a warm, comfortable atmosphere in the lighting environment but also affect the quality of lighting for the space. High-color rendering lighting can improve people’s perception of space, while low-color rendering can impair the brain’s and eyes’ ability to distinguish objects and accurately perceive the surrounding environment.

Color Saturation Rg and Color fidelity Rf

The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES) approved a standard in May 2015 called IES Method for Evaluating Light Source Color Rendition, designated as TM-30. This standard provides a precise and robust calculation method for characterizing the color fidelity Rf and color saturation Rg of light sources using 99 sample colors.

  • Color fidelity Rf: The closer the Rf value is to 100, the closer the colors appear to natural light.
  • Color saturation Rg: The larger the Rg value, the more vivid the colors of objects appear under the light source, with this value usually falling between 80-120.

Here is an example of a TM-30 testing report:

TM-30 testing report
TM-30 testing report

How to choose the right lighting for different object colors?

Choosing the right lighting for different object colors can be a challenging task, but understanding the concept of color rendering can help. As mentioned earlier, color rendering refers to the ability of a light source to present an object’s natural colors accurately. The color rendering index (CRI) is a measure of this property, and selecting a light source with an appropriate CRI is mainly determined by the color of the object being illuminated.

Faithful and Effect Color color rendering index chart

Faithful Color Rendering:

For faithful color rendering, light sources with high CRIs, whose values are close to 100, are required to correctly show the true colors of the material. The higher the CRI, the better the light source’s color rendering properties. In other words, the colors we see are closer to the natural colors of the object. Light sources with low color rendering properties have poor color reproduction, and the colors we see have a larger deviation.

Effect Color Rendering:

To emphasize specific colors and express a beautiful life, the color rendering effect can be enhanced by using additive color methods. Using a low color temperature light source can make red more vivid, while using a medium color temperature light source can make blue feel cooler. On the other hand, using a high-color temperature light source can make the object feel cold. Effect color rendering is often used in commercial spaces such as art galleries, fashion boutiques, and restaurants to create an attractive and appealing atmosphere.

Color Temperature:

Apart from CRI, color temperature is another critical factor to consider when selecting lighting for different object colors. The color temperature of a light source refers to how warm or cool the light appears. Color temperature is measured in Kelvin (K), with lower temperatures appearing warmer and higher temperatures appearing cooler. For instance, a warm, cozy atmosphere can be achieved using light sources with a color temperature between 2700K to 3000K. In contrast, a cool, refreshing ambiance can be achieved using light sources with a color temperature between 4000K to 5000K.

When selecting lighting for different object colors, it’s essential to consider both CRI and color temperature. Choosing a light source with the appropriate CRI and color temperature can significantly affect the appearance of objects and the atmosphere of the space.

Understanding the Concept of Color Rendering Index

Explanation of color perception

Color perception is a complex phenomenon that is heavily influenced by the light source. When light reflects off an object and enters our eyes, it triggers a cascade of neurological processes that allow us to perceive different colors. However, the same object can appear differently colored when viewed under different lighting conditions. This is because different light sources emit different spectra of light, which can affect the way we perceive colors. For example, a piece of clothing that looked vibrant and colorful in the store may appear dull and muted under the harsh glare of fluorescent lights. On the other hand, the same piece of clothing may appear warm and vibrant under the soft glow of incandescent bulbs.

color perception
color perception

Correlation between the light source and object color

The CRI of a light source can greatly affect how we perceive colors, and it’s important to choose the right lighting for different objects. The color rendering index measures the ability of a light source to accurately reproduce the colors of an object under different lighting conditions. When selecting a light source, it’s essential to consider the color of the object being illuminated and choose a light source with an appropriate CRI. A light source with a high CRI value close to 100 can reproduce colors more accurately, whereas a light source with a lower CRI can produce a greater color deviation.

The Role of CRI in color representation

Color rendering can be divided into two categories: “faithful color rendering” and “effect color rendering.” Faithful color rendering refers to accurately reproducing the natural colors of an object, while effect color rendering emphasizes specific colors to create a certain mood or atmosphere.

When choosing a light source, it is important to consider the CRI and the object being illuminated. For example, a high CRI light source with a value close to 100 is best for accurately displaying the true colors of materials. On the other hand, a lower CRI light source may be suitable for creating a certain atmosphere or highlighting specific colors.


The Science Behind Color Rendering Index

The color rendering ability of a light source is dependent on its spectral power distribution (SPD), which is a graph of the light source’s radiant power emitted at each wavelength. The SPD of a light source determines which colors are emphasized or suppressed, affecting the overall color rendition.

The spectrum of light

The spectrum of light is the range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation that are visible to the human eye. This range includes colors that we perceive as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Each of these colors has a different wavelength, with red having the longest wavelength and violet having the shortest.

Different light sources emit different spectra of light, which affects the way colors appear under those sources. For example, an incandescent bulb produces a spectrum that is rich in red and yellow, while a fluorescent bulb produces a spectrum that is more evenly distributed across the visible spectrum.


Here is a table showing the spectra of different light sources:

Light SourceSpectrum
Incandescent LampContinuous spectrum with a peak in the yellow-orange region
Fluorescent LampDiscrete spectrum with peaks in the blue and green regions
LED LampDiscrete spectrum with peaks in different regions depending on the type of LED
Natural SunlightContinuous spectrum with peaks in all visible regions

Note: The spectra of light sources can vary depending on factors such as the composition of the source’s materials and the method of production.

Furthermore, advances in LED lighting technology have led to the development of “full-spectrum” LEDs that emit a spectrum that closely mimics natural sunlight. These LEDs have a high CRI and are ideal for settings where accurate color reproduction is critical, such as in art galleries, museums, and photography studios.

How CRI is calculated

CRI is calculated by comparing the spectrum of light emitted by a lamp to the spectrum of light emitted by a reference source of the same color temperature. The reference source is typically an incandescent lamp or daylight, depending on the application. The CRI value is determined by measuring the lamp’s ability to render a set of color samples, typically consisting of eight pastel and saturated colors. The lamp’s performance is then compared to that of the reference source, which is given a score of 100. The lamp’s score is then used to determine its CRI, with a maximum possible value of 100.

How to test Color Rendering Index(CRI)?

There are various methods for testing CRI, but here are some commonly used ones:

  1. The Spectrophotometric Method: This method involves measuring the spectrum of a light source and comparing it with a reference illuminant. The CRI value is calculated based on the differences between the two spectra.
  2. The Color Matching Method: This method involves using a group of human observers to evaluate how well a light source renders a set of test colors. The CRI value is based on the average of the color differences between the test colors and their references.
  3. The Reflectance Method: This method involves measuring the reflected light from a set of colored samples when illuminated by a test light source and a reference illuminant. The CRI value is based on the differences between the two sets of reflected light.
  4. The Colorimetric Method: This method involves using a spectroradiometer to measure the spectral power distribution of a light source and calculating the CRI value based on the spectral data.
  5. The Use of Color Rendering Samples: This method involves comparing the colors of standardized samples illuminated by a test light source and a reference illuminant. The CRI value is based on the color differences between the samples under the two lighting conditions.

Overall, the method used to test CRI can affect the accuracy of the results, so it is important to choose an appropriate method for the intended application.

Explanation of Ra, the average CRI

Ra, also known as the average color rendering index (CRI), is the most commonly used metric for measuring the color rendering ability of a light source. It is calculated by averaging the color rendering scores of eight sample colors (R1-R8) based on how well they are rendered by the light source being tested.

The color rendering of each sample color is rated on a scale of 0-100, with 100 representing perfect color rendering. The scores of the eight colors are then averaged to determine the Ra value, which ranges from 0-100.

A higher Ra value indicates better color rendering properties of the light source, and a value of 100 represents the best possible color rendering. However, it is important to note that the Ra value does not provide a complete picture of color rendering ability and can sometimes be misleading. For example, a light source with a high Ra value may still have poor color rendering for certain colors not included in the eight sample colors.

What is Color Rendering Index(CRI)

The Scale of Color Rendering Index

Understanding the CRI scale

The Color Rendering Index (CRI) is a scale used to rate a light source’s ability to reproduce the colors of an object accurately. The CRI scale ranges from 0 to 100, with a higher score indicating better color rendering abilities.

A CRI score of 100 represents the most accurate color rendering possible, which is achieved only by natural daylight. Most artificial light sources have a CRI score between 60 and 95, with some specialized light sources reaching a CRI score of over 95.

In general, light sources with a CRI score of 80 or higher are considered good for general lighting applications. However, certain applications, such as art galleries, museums, or surgical rooms, require a higher CRI score for accurate color rendering.

Sure, here is a table showcasing different types of lights and their respective Color Rendering Index (CRI), luminous efficacy, and quality of light. It includes over 10 types of lights, and their suitable applications, including LED downlights and LED track lights.

Type of LightCRI RangeLuminous Efficacy (lm/W)Quality of LightSuitable Applications
Incandescent95+10-15Warm, naturalHomes, restaurants
Halogen95+15-25Bright, whiteArt galleries, retail
High CRI LED90-9880-100Natural, vibrantHomes, retail, offices
Standard LED70-8080-120Cool, efficientOffices, industrial
Fluorescent50-8050-100Harsh, artificialOffices, garages
Metal Halide60-6575-100Bright, coolWarehouses, stadiums
High Pressure Sodium20-6070-140Yellow, warmStreetlights, parking lots
Compact Fluorescent60-8050-70Harsh, coolHomes, offices
LED Downlight80-9080-100Natural, versatileHomes, retail, offices
LED Track Light80-9080-100Accent, directionalArt galleries, retail

The CRI range represents the minimum and maximum CRI that a light source in that category could have. Luminous efficacy measures how effectively a light source produces visible light, and Quality of Light refers to the color temperature and the overall feeling of the light.

Overall, LED lights, particularly those with high CRI, are becoming increasingly popular for their natural, energy-efficient lighting. LED downlights and LED track lights are particularly versatile and suitable for a wide range of applications, from homes and offices to retail spaces and art galleries. However, each type of light has its own strengths and is best suited for certain situations, so it is important to consider the specific lighting needs of space before making a selection.


The Color Rendering Index is an essential metric that profoundly influences our perception of our surroundings. Whether it’s LED recessed downlights, LED track lights, LED commercial lighting, LED indoor lights, or LED outdoor lights, understanding CRI can help us make informed decisions to create visually pleasing and functional environments.

While CRI has its limitations, ongoing advancements in lighting technologies and color metrics promise to deliver even better lighting solutions in the future. Until then, CRI remains a reliable guide for anyone looking to illuminate their world.


CRI is a measure of a light source’s ability to accurately render the colors of objects. A higher CRI value means the colors appear more natural and vivid. It’s important because it affects our perception of colors, which can impact everything from design and artwork to food and clothing.

CRI is measured by comparing the appearance of a set of test colors under the light source being tested and under a reference light source of the same color temperature. The CRI value is calculated based on the differences between the test and reference sources.

A CRI value of 80 or higher is considered good for general lighting applications, while a value of 90 or higher is recommended for situations where color accuracy is critical, such as in art galleries, museums, and photography studios.

No, LED lights can have different CRI values depending on the manufacturing process and materials used. It’s important to check the CRI value of an LED light before purchasing it.

No, CRI only measures the accuracy of colors rendered by a light source. The brightness is measured in lumens or lux, and it’s a separate characteristic of a light source.

No, CRI is a characteristic of the light source itself and cannot be improved in existing fixtures. To improve CRI, a different light source with a higher CRI value must be used.

No, other factors such as color temperature, lumen output, and energy efficiency should also be considered when choosing lighting. The application and intended use of the lighting should also be taken into account.

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